Riot Games: Do you need a minimum rank to work at LoL Analysis team?

Many fans are curious of what Riot Games’ balancing team is like, but the League of Legends dev has shown what it takes to balance the game

The Gameplay Analysis Team is the group in charge of testing the different modifications made to League of Legends before they are deployed to the PBE servers. The Gameplay Analysis Team’s objective is to ensure that the installation of new updates does not upset the balance of such a huge game, from new items to new mechanics. Riot Games addressed several myths regarding the realities of working on this area of LoL in a recent developer blog.

What is the minimum rank required to join the Riot Games team?

Image via Riot Games

According to Riot Games, there is no rank minimum to have an impact on strong choices made inside such a big game, contrary to popular belief. Riot made it clear that, while many members are at high rank, there is no such rule for what rank potential they must have.

Many of the improvements that the gameplay team must focus on do necessitate highly skilled players, thus having a solid roster of highly-rated players helps the team to more quickly observe how modifications are focused at higher levels. Many League of Legends modifications are expressly meant to affect the game’s enormous professional environment; therefore, this type of testing is required.

Image via Riot Games

Other misconceptions debunked by Riot included the notion that the crew simply focuses on playtesting or that their goal is to work on the actual game. Riot Games’ gameplay team is also charged with designing and iterating on new features or concepts brought to the game. Members of the team are tasked with determining how such an item feels in play and how it will affect the game if it is released.