Riot Games gave Naafiri the cutest interaction in League of Legends

Naafiri, the newest League of Legends champion, has a secret interaction that practically all video games should have.

The next League of Legends champion is a ferocious assassin with canine instincts capable of tracking down her target for hundreds of years. Naafiri, the Hound of a Hundred Bites, has just been unveiled as the next champion joining League this year.

The darkin assassin summons a band of hounds to pursue and hunt down her enemies. The Darkin assassin, mentioned by Riot in a champion dev update, is most likely a jungler or mid laner.

Screenshot via Riot Games

Naafiri’s special interaction in-game

Riot was careful to include a very special easter egg for the character’s release as one of the few beast champions in League of Legends. This cutie interaction allows players to physically pet the dog.

With the release of Naafiri, League will also have its own puppy for players to pet. It’s unclear how players may pet Naafiri in-game, since Riot wants League players to figure it out for themselves, but screenshots and videos of the interaction indicate that, sure, players can pet her.

According to League of Legends YouTuber SkinSpotlights, Naafiri may be pet by what seems to be the game’s old cursor.

Petting Naafiri causes her tail to wiggle, and if players do not disrupt the contact, she will grow to like it so much that she will let players to massage her belly while lesser canines wait expectantly for their turn.

She appears to appreciate the pets based on the champion’s joyful expression and its buddies’ bobbing small heads.

Image via Riot Games

This in-game interaction will almost certainly entice more people to check out the nice dog on the Rift. While no specific date has been announced, the Darkin assassin is believed to be launched in patch 13.14 on July 19 or 20.