Riot Games has revealed about the new PENTAKILL and their third album

PENTAKILL has finally been back and is releasing their third album soon.

A few hours ago, a Twitter account named “Riot Games Music” had some extremely noticeable moves. Specifically, the representer of Riot Games in their field of music renamed the account into “Legend of PENTAKILL” and announced that the third album of this Rock band would be III: Lost Chapter.

Furthermore, the images of the member of this band have also been published. You can easily figure out the familiar champions such as Yorick, Olaf, Sona, Mordekaiser, Kayle, and Karthus. However, their appearance has changed a lot, compared to the last PENTAKILL skins.

For example, instead of a cowboy hat, Olaf now has a pair of horns – the statue of Vikings. Then, Yorick has a more impressive appearance or Karthus is now more “humanoid” than before. Kayle’s hair color has also been changed to probably make her more “rock”.

There is another point in the representative image for the latest album that has been attracting a lot of attention from the community. You can see the symbol of Viego’s crown right above the title “Lost Chapter”. Is Riot leaking the participation of Viego in this music band?

Viego is the new member of PENTAKILL?

Anyway, this is just the hypothesis from the community. To make sure that whether or not Viego is joining PENTAKILL, we definitely have to wait until September 8 – according to the latest announcement.