Riot Games talked about Riven’s future in League of Legends

RiotPhroxzon recently delved into a discussion on Riven’s current standing within the game, shedding light on her purpose and addressing concerns about her gameplay experience.

Despite her intricacies and a high skill cap, Riven’s win rate hovers around 48%, and her pick rate is approximately 2.5% across all ranks. It’s noteworthy that she is predominantly played by OTP, yet her win rate doesn’t surpass the 50% mark.

Image via Riot Games

The past years have seen substantial transformations in the game, with the complete item rework and Drake changes reshaping the core meta. These alterations, along with subsequent adjustments, have complicated matters for Riven and several other champions.

Riot Games to change Riven in the future

Riven, celebrated for having one of the highest skill floors, adds diversity to League of Legends, as mastering her requires a significant investment of time and effort. This difficulty, appreciated by many players for the sense of accomplishment it brings, poses a challenge when the payoff for scaling her steep learning curve diminishes.

Image via Riot Games

Riot recognizes the need for change and is committed to addressing Riven’s current state. The challenge lies in preserving the complexity of her kit while ensuring her viability for those who invest countless hours mastering her.

Riot aims to avoid rendering the time spent one-tricking her obsolete due to new changes. The crux of the matter lies in restoring her uniqueness amidst the evolving landscape of new champions and item interactions, thereby ensuring satisfaction among her dedicated fan base.

Image via Riot Games

In conclusion, the champion finds herself in an awkward position currently, but Riot reassures players that she is not forgotten. Expect significant changes to be implemented soon, as Riot endeavors to strike the balance of preserving Riven’s complexity while reintroducing her unique identity to the game.