Riot Games suggests the LoL Wild Rift release date, gamers will have to wait very long

LoL Wild Rift release date – In the latest clip released recently by Riot Games on League of Legends: Wild Rift has a lot of interesting information that gamers may have missed.

LoL Wild Rift release date

Ever since Riot Games announced the mobile version of League of Legends under the name League of Legends: Wild Rift, gamers around the world have been eager to see what this game will look like. However, apart from the official name of League of Legends: Riot Games, Riot Games has not provided gamers with much useful information about this product.

LoL Wild Rift release date

On the official youtube channel of LoL: Wild Rift has published a clip called “/dev diary” of this game. In the clip, the development team of LoL: Wild Rift not only shows viewers how they created this game, but also gives gamers a more specific view on the gameplay and changes of LoL: Wild Rift compared to the PC version. Overall, LoL: Wild Rift is extremely similar to LoL on PC and likely this will be the most beautiful MOBA product on mobile, at the time of its launch.

LoL Wild Rift release date

LoL: Wild Rift will uphold the core values ​​of LoL

Riot Games’ development diary focuses on what gamers most expect: the system of champions. More specifically, the video gave us a quick look at the champions from LoL and how Riot made changes to make the experience of Wild Rift on mobile better.

LoL Wild Rift release date

Brian Feeney – Leader of League of Legends design: Wild Rift was the one to reveal those features. Overall, LoL: Wild Rift will retain the familiar values ​​of champions in the PC version. Get ready to see how crazy Vayne is when appearing on the Mobile or Yasuo versions with gentle E abilities, like what gamers see through video. That is all that gamers have seen, used and played LoL over the years.

But there will be changes

Of course, when stepping into a new platform, there will be changes, the development team of League of Legends: Wild Rift is trying to make this the easiest, how for veteran gamers LoL as well as new players of LoL: Wild Rift can get acquainted with this game.

LoL Wild Rift release date

Therefore, some champions with passive skills will be converted to active skills to make the quality of champions easier to play on the mobile version. For example, Vayne’s W now allow you to tap once to temporarily increase attack speed, while still retaining true damage as a percentage of your health. It sounds a bit unbalanced, but Riot will definitely do something to make everything just right.

At the same time, some control operations will have to be changed to fit the phone screen. For example, Annie’s Q and Miss Fortune have now been changed makes navigation easier.

Important is most likely, League of Legends: Wild Rift will not launch in 2020

At the end of the video, the development team revealed that League of Legends: Wild Rift may not be coming soon. Specifically, they are still testing Wild Rift thoroughly and there won’t be any new information about the game until the end of this year. At the same time, also mentioned that League of Legends: Wild Rift will not appear in this year 2020.

Riot updates new information about LoL Wild Rift, Lux can ultimate full map like Senna!

At the time of release, League of Legends: Wild Rift will be free on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Information From: Youtube