Riot Games teased new TFT Set with the new in-game For Fun Patch

While Teamfight Tactics: Glitched Out is coming to an end, the next TFT set will be presented in-game for TFT fans to guess on

Riot Games revealed the specifics of this set’s For Fun patch in a developer blog post earlier this week. The For Fun patch is a TFT mainstay, introducing bizarre features to the game before the next set comes. This has been going on since TFT’s second set, but it really took off with Set Dragonlands.

Riot Games introduces fun and quirky new components to the game in the For Fun patch to keep it fresh and generate enthusiasm for the next set.

Images via Riot Games

New features teased for the new TFT Set

Instead of only the last batch of patches, the For Fun patch will grow across numerous patches this time. The new feature being introduced to make the game more enjoyable will only be available in Normal queues.

Or, as they’ll be known until the next set, Normal (With Portals?! ), which is exactly the name. Portals will exist throughout the game, with the opportunity to drop loot at certain points.

Portals may open and provide more treasure in Stages 2-6, 3-3, and 4-3. The contents of the portals will differ based on the location, and new regions will be introduced to the game when patches are released.

Image via Riot Games

Riot has stated that while portals will not be the next set’s mechanic, they will have an impact on it. It’s probable that the next TFT set would focus on regions as rivals, which would explain the addition of region-specific portals to the game’s upcoming patches.

Normals with portals will become available with Patch 13.9, which will be published on May 3, 2023.