Riot Games to test new Quick Play game mode in replace of Blind Pick

If you’ve been looking for a more relaxed way to enjoy some Summoner’s Rift action, Riot Games is testing a new game mode called Quick Play

In a limited-time test run, Quick Play will replace League’s long-standing Blind Pick mode in specific areas and regions, allowing players to choose their particular role and champion mixtures when queuing up for a League game, which should help League of Legends players get into the game much quicker. As a result, they’ll be able to bypass champion select completely and begin loading into a game right away.

Image via Riot Games

Players can skip the champion pick for the first time, allowing them straight entry to the Rift with the champions they want to play with. Team comp will be made up of favorite choices, and rarely will synergies be considered—unless peers queue in together.

Players can also escape the bother of champion select, where they may be reprimanded for their selection due to a pick that does not suit the team’s present comp. Because players can jump into a game, participate, and then jump out, it’s a fantastic way to test out different roles and champions.

Image via Riot Games

Quick Play, like many others before it, is anticipated to be released in numerous regions throughout the year. If a particular area is not included in the Quick Play trials, its player population will simply have to wait for the devs to distribute it in their region.

Image via Riot Games

Riot has made a number of statements in preparation for a busy 2023, including the brand-new 2v2v2v2 game mode, many distinct mid-scope updates and mini-reworks, the long-awaited Skarner VGU, and more.