Riot Games unveils information about Volibear rework

After Fiddlesticks was introduced, players began to wonder when the Volibear would be rework.

Yesterday, the first easter eggs of Fiddlesticks came out and we can be assured that this champion will have an abundance of horror. Although it was only confirmed that he kept the Ultimate, at least this scarecrow was confirmed that the shape was completely refreshed. Meanwhile, gamers who love Volibear are extremely disturbed when the information about rework is still nothing.

So in the subReddit of favorite gamer Volibear, there was an article asking about this issue, which was enough to see the player anxiously waiting for this bear. Then Riot Lutzburg, who is in charge of the Volibear rework, has provided gamers with the latest information on this rework, League of Legends players can be assured that the new Volibear will be stronger than skill set present.

Hi everyone. I know you’re anxious to learn more about the Bear, and trust me, I would love to share a ton of news with you. We’re giving Fiddlesticks his time in the spotlight right now and then it’ll be Volibear’s turn. I appreciate your patience until then!

As far as “news” what I can safely say is this:

  1. His production is on-track and he’s feeling good/balanced. We’re focused on VFX, SFX and animations right now
  2. We’re currently exploring things like whether he can be a viable/healthy AP bruiser, his optimal rune choices, etc. Down to the details at this point
  3. The marketing and promotion campaigns for Volibear just kicked off, so there will be cool reveals as we get closer to launch
  4. Many, MANY mechanics and elements from live Volibear’s kit will make appearances in some form on the new kit.
  5. Here are some things we’ve already revealed, in case you missed any:

With the information shared by Riot Lutzburg, we can guess that this rework of Volibear will be somewhat on par with Ezreal before. That is basically the Volibear will be completely upgraded by Riot Games in terms of the image and design, skill launching images or effects in the skill set will be made clearer than before.

For example, the ability to increase attack speed on basic attacks or damage skills interacting with blood is no different from the current W. Moreover, with Riot a few months ago revealing the 4-legged movement of Volibear, it is likely that the Q – will also retain the nature and change the animation to make this bear look more scary. .

Currently, besides Volibear, there are two more champions that have been confirmed by Riot Games in the process of reworking, Fiddlesticks and Wukong. With Riot August confirming that the new Wukong will be released in Patch Update 10.6, it is likely that Fiddlesticks will appear one or two month later. Perhaps we will have to wait more than a month to get more information about new Volibear.

Information From: Reddit