Riot Games: “Welcome to League of Everfrost”

Since 11.4 updates, Everfrost has become an extremely powerful item in League of Legends.

Patch 11.4 can obviously be seen as a huge revolution in the item building path of mages when Everfrost was completely adjusted. This item is no longer trash and is holding the title of “the best item for mages”, which kicks out its “colleagues”, such as Liandry’s Anguish and Luden’s Tempest. Everfrost is now so popular that Riot Games had to call the current meta “League of Everfrost” in their latest video.

In the latest episode of Meta Report, Riot Games call their game as “League of Everfrost”

The difference between Everfrost and other Mythic items for mages is that it provides a moderately small amount of HP to your champion. Because of the passing of Rod of Age in season 11, mages had had to make difficult choices throughout a large number of matches in purchasing Mythic item as there were no items providing both HP and mana. Lastly, when patch 11.4 arrived, a new life has come to them. Everfrost was considerably buffed and became the top priority of champions like Ryze, Twisted Fate, or Kassadin.

Right after this item was updated, a lot of professors have realized that Everfrost will help your champion to have an enormous influence on the match. Not only does this item have a considerable amount of damage, but it also provides you with the ability to slow/root your enemies. It will strengthen your team’s power in the early game when roaming plays an important role in the match. You can call your team to organize an easy ambush and get kills as soon as possible with this item.

The two remarkable changes which truly revived Everfrost

Moreover, the change in its recipe also contributed to its domination during the last patch. With Liandry’s Anguish and Luden’s Tempest, you have to save over 1200 golds to build the complete item. This is an enormous number of golds in the laning phase and it will lessen you in early fights when you have no Mythic item.

Meanwhile, in the building path of Everfrost, there is an appearance of Kindlegem and if you already have its 3 recipe items, you just need 450 golds to own it. This leads to your optimum power in the early game when you do not have to save a large amount of money like building the two other mentioned items. That advantage plays an fundamental role in solo queues – the place where both small and team fights can take place anywhere, anytime in the match. Kindlegem provides you with 200 HP and 10 AH – “valuable” stats in the laning phase.

The two champions which benefit most from the current Everfrost are probably Twisted Fate and Ryze. Additionally, a lot more names such as Kassadin, Orianna, Syndra, Ekko and Sylas also use this item effectively due to their hard CC.

All in all, Everfrost is currently an OP item after being buffed and is suitable for almost every mage. Using this item for all matches is considered as an optimal way to improve elo, especially with players who keen on using mages.