Riot Games – Why did Riot Games decide Legends of Runeterra to be Free Games?

Nobody dislikes free games, but of course game makers need to live. Therefore, the issue of selling or not selling in-game items has become a timeless story for every game developer.

For years, lootbox and random packages were the only way players could buy to own extremely rare cards. And the drop rate of these cards is really low making them crazy.

“We have learned a lot from what other card games have done, and feel we can create a compelling product for players,” said game designer and balance leader Steve Rubin. said. “We have been playing Card Collecting Game (CCG) all our lives and have gone through those lessons. We used to go out to play, we used to play casual, and we really thought we’d create something really cool using the content that gamers love in LoL. ”

And to do this, the Legends of Runeterra will have absolutely no loot box. You will build your deck by buying the cards you want directly.

Random cards will still appear – as an integral part of CCG games, but you’ll have to fight to get them. Riot introduces Legends of Runeterra to a feature called Regional Wars, which allows gamers to choose one of the six Runeterra areas (Freljord, Noxus, Ionia, Demacia, Zaun – Piltover, the Dark Islands) to receive cards of that area.

In addition, the development team also includes a weekly bonus system, helping you still enjoy the thrill of opening random cards. Both features are free and do not depend on the amount of money the player has put into the game.

“So where does Riot get its revenue?” Yes, it’s fun to care about the lives of Riot employees. Don’t worry, they will live well, but not by collecting money from you and making you beg to open the box exactly the card you need. You can contribute to Riot’s meal by buying additional items and Wildcards.

Wildcards – this is what helps gamers release their unnecessary cards. These Wildcards are like any other card game: you collect Wildcards with different levels to exchange the available cards of the corresponding level into the desired cards. However, the Legends of Runeterra will limit the number of Wildcards you can buy during the week, avoiding unfairness.

Extra items – are quite new. Building on the background of the Alliance Universe, you’ll be able to buy skins for cards, expressions, and game interface change kits on your favorite topics … even you can buy a summoned beast to bring in game to make it more interesting.

Many people believe that the British Parliamentary Council opposes the use of loot boxes in the game has affected Riot’s decision. However, chief designer Andrew Yip replied: “All we aim to improve the player experience. The fact that the Parliamentary Council noticed this was just a coincidence in time. It is hard to believe that two stories are not related to each other, but the good news is that the result is still beneficial to people.

In addition, Riot also shared that they will keep all the cards across all seasons by giving different modes so they can be used. They will also suspend the ranking mode until the player has collected enough cards. “We don’t want players to get dizzy until all regions have access to the new game.”

With these breakthroughs, Legend Runeterra will become a fair and friendly game for all players, even if they can not afford to recharge the game.