RIOT Hires Hashinshin to Replace the 200 Years Old but Useless Balance Team

Fed up with receiving constant massive backlash from the playerbase for how incompetent the balance team was, Riot finally came up with the decision to disband the entire department and replace them with professionals who actually know how the game works. Hashinshin is the first to be officially employed as the prospective substitute for the notorious part of the company.

Actual image of Riot’s balance team at work

About Hashinshin

Hashinshin, commonly referred as “the Super Top”, due to his superior manliness and uber top lane mechanical prowess, has been an ardent critic of his beloved game, especially in the recent seasons due to the obvious flaw in the balancing process of the game. Players on Reddit and Twitter had been calling for the man to be in charge of the aforementioned process for years. This time however, it seems that Riot has realized their error on their parts, thus decided to replace the faulty part of a broken machine with a Chad Top lane main.

The Lord and the Savior of the meta, The Super Top, Hashinshin

The implication of Hashinshin’s assignment to the role

Hashinshin’s appointment to the balancing position was met with lukewarm welcome from the majority of the playerbase, sans those pesky jungle mains. Before they got the chance to throw their unintelligible remarks at him such as “muh Lee Song hard mechanical skill, jungle hard to play, jungle needs buff pl0x”, Hashinshin shut them down with a mighty chant: “Hear me out on this one Twitch chat, stop backseatting me doing Lord’s work in fixing this forsaken game once and for all” then proceeded to impose a ban on all of them.

Besides Hashinshin, Riot also plans to include more players who have actual experience in playing League of Legends, therefore possessing ample knowledge on how the game works, such as: Tyler1, Stonewall008, UberDanger,….This drastic shift in the department responsible for the adjustment of the game promises a brighter future for most players, except of course, jungle mains.

For further clown fiesta happening within Riot Games, click here to read about the recent issue about the reporting system