Riot Games is considering a comprehensive adjust/rework Kalista

Adjust/Rework Kalista – If Riot Games considers it a OP Champions, Kalista is about to receive a comprehensive round of gameplay modifications within 2020.

If Riot Games considers it a OP Champion, Kalista is about to receive a comprehensive of gameplay modifications within 2020.

The main reason is that Kalista is constantly buffed, especially in season 9, her stats only increase but not decrease, the final buff is Patch 10.1 to increase the health and armor of this champion.

Adjust/Rework Kalista

Naturally, when buffs are strong and continuous, Kalista is gradually getting a much stronger position, both in solo and tournaments, this is a strong and extremely dangerous option if it falls into the hands of skilled gamers.

Because of that, Riot Games is having a hard time balancing this champion, nerfing makes Kalista completely forgotten, the next buff will be too strong, maybe the best solution is to completely adjust or rework this champion.

Adjust/Rework Kalista

Most recently, a team member of the gameplay analysis team, RiotRayYonggi, shared that Kalista was on track to see if she had to make mistakes, and if so, a comprehensive general quality check could be made show up.

When asked why Kalista suddenly so strong

RiotRayYonggi replied: “Buffed a few times in a row. Mostly in the durability/consistency stats which contribute heavily to winrate (SoloQ games are commonly lost due to being squishy/inconsistent in early-game).”

Gamers desire that the ability to slow does not affect the attack speed, reducing the damage of E skills on monsters and other problems of Kalista.

RiotRayYonggi: “I agree this is an extremely annoying thing for Kalista, I would love to see a few changes in her mechanics but nothing to reveal.”

The player asked if Riot Games ever wanted to fix Kalista’s W, it was so useless that professional gamers would not upgrade this skill.

RiotRayYonggi: “Of course, we are having some ideas about changing the mechanics for Kalista to upgrade the quality of this champion, though there is nothing specific to disclose.”

Although there is no confirmation, this move of Riot Games employees shows that they are looking to adjust/rework Kalista, not simply to increase the power but to change the mechanism of the whole skill set. Of course Kalista is not the first case, there are many other generals with outdated skill sets such as Shyvana, Dr. Mundo, Skarner … also need to be adjust more or less. Adjust/Rework Kalista

Via: Not A Gamer

Facebook: Notagamer

Reddit Comments: Adjust/Rework Kalista

I have a funny feeling that people don’t remember how to play against her. Think about it she was dead for two years.

It is likely buffs, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a bug somewhere in her kit. Recall some previous cases in other champs – leona and thresh had substantial win rate jumps at points a couple years ago, and it turned out later to be because leona’s stun increased a quarter second, and thresh flay had an added .1 seconds of stun. I don’t know the champion remotely well enough to tell you where a bug would be if one existed, but I would suggest keeping the possibility in mind.

Adjust/Rework Kalista