Riot accidentally made Janna the fastest champion in League with recent buffs

On the PBE, Janna’s movement speed has been mistakenly overbuffed by the League of Legends developers, giving her 15 times the usual movement speed.

With her W, Zephyr, Janna can launch a bird towards an enemy to deal damage and slow them down. As an alternative, she gets a movement speed advantage when the ability isn’t on cooldown, allowing her to roam and catch up to enemies to slow them down.

Image via Riot Games

The slow and movement speed bonuses also increase with ability power, enabling Janna to take advantage of the AP support items she frequently buys.

But it appears like players might want to start accumulating full AP since that she has recently received a PBE buff, giving her absurdly high movement speeds.

Janna receive substantial buffs on PBE

Zephyr just received a buff that allows Janna to use the passive to increase her movement speed by up to 15 times. Because of her ability to outrun practically anything in the game, including the majority of abilities, she is almost untouchable by the rest of the League’s roster.

Zephyr’s movement speed benefit now scales with much more AP than it did previously thanks to Riot. Janna may now gain all of her AP, acquire unfathomable amounts of movement speed, and roam at an unquestionable speed.

According to the Youtube video from Vandiril, he discovered that while she had 770 AP, Zephyr gave her a bonus that increased her movement speed by 155%, bringing it to an astounding 3590.

Images via Riot Games

This damaged the game and effectively made her teleport instead of walk, which made her mobility weird.

Luckily, this is just a mistake that the devs made on League of Legends PBE servers, and it should already be adjusted back to normal by now.