Thanks to Riot, new LoL players can achieve Gold rank because of this

The League of Legends ranking system, a cornerstone of the game, has been a subject of discussion and concern within the gaming community.

Over the years, issues such as game-breaking and the prevalence of “smurf” accounts have plagued the rank system. Riot Games has not been immune to criticisms as its adjustments and tweaks to the ranking mode have introduced new challenges.

A recent addition to the ranking system, the introduction of Emerald, has sparked controversy and left players grappling with unexpected consequences. This development has given rise to problems, with players expressing their dissatisfaction and concern.

The community’s sentiments were further echoed by a gamer who shared their experiences that resonated with many others facing similar issues.

According to the Reddit post, the author said:

“A few weeks ago I got one of my friends into league and they just hit level 30 so we play quite a bit of ranked flex as a 2-3 stack. One thing we noticed tho is that even though this is our friend’s first time touching league, they got placed gold 1 as thats the current “average rank”.”

Image via Riot Games

The emergence of Emerald has led to speculation that it might have skewed the tiers, making Gold and lower tiers seem overly basic.

Some argue that this shift could potentially misclassify players, as those with a certain level of skills might find themselves placed in the Gold tier, leading to a perceived dilution of the placement.

Image via Riot Games

However, a more optimistic perspective posits that Riot Games may have implemented these changes to alleviate the notorious “elo hell” experienced by new players. By making lower ranks more accessible, Riot may aim to shield newcomers from toxic environments, fostering a positive initial experience.

This strategy could also serve to incentivize players to actively engage with the game, as the Gold and higher tiers promise encounters with skilled and behavioral players.

Image via Riot Games

Despite the community’s concerns and discussions, Riot Games has yet to make any official statements addressing the perceived discrepancies in the ranking system. The situation has left many players questioning the accuracy of their assigned tiers relative to their skill levels, creating a sense of uncertainty within the community.