Riot teased LoL’s Arena mode will receive more features like Custom Games and Queues

A League of Legends developer has hinted that the upcoming 2v2v2v2 Arena game mode would soon offer new and features

League of Legends’ newest game mode has officially arrived on the PBE. Riot’s newest attempt into various game modes is the 2v2v2v2 format, or Arena as it has been dubbed.

The arena accommodates 8 players divided into 4 teams of two who compete in rounds. Each round lost causes the players’ shared health pool to receive damage. This is pretty similar to the way Riot’s TFT Double Trouble works. Arena, like TFT, will also include augments that drastically alter how champions may be played.

Image via Riot Games

Riot teased larger queues and custom games for Arena mode

With a more arcadey vibe to the game mode, it appears to be less competitive than League’s main 5v5 one. Players have requested the ability to queue with more than one other player, as well as the availability of bespoke game lobbies. Fortunately, a Rioter disclosed in a Reddit post comment that these features may be coming when Arena is more reliable in the future.

“Being able to queue with more than 2 people is absolutely a priority for us for future releases. As a team, we’ve had a lot of discussions about this feature, and we knew from our playtests that getting to play an inhouse with a group of buddies you know is one of the best ways to experience the mode. Our engineers did their homework early, investigating the cost of all the different feature requests we’d need to get Arena functioning. This one was called out early on as a pretty sizeable effort that would have diverted significant amounts of resources from getting the game mode core systems up and running.

The dev blog for Arena mentioned how much the team wanted to get this out in time for the summer event to make this moment special for players, and that because of that, it may be missing a feature or two. This, unfortunately, is one of those features. In this case, prioritizing custom lobbies would have been the difference between shipping for Soul Fighter vs shipping a few months down the line.”

Screenshot via Riot Games

Riot is well aware of the mode’s potential and researched the cost of developing the features; nevertheless, they judged that it would divert too many resources away from the mode.

The developer then noted that some of the missing features listed earlier this week in the Arena dev blog.

Image via Riot Games

There is no set timeline for when these additions will be added to the mode, but with fans embracing the new Arena, let’s hope it happens soon.