Riot explained why Mid-scopes and Reworks are being postponed

Riot has come out to explain why some of the mid-scope updates and champion reworks are being held back

Riot Games delivered a bombshell on us all on August 28 when they revealed that Mythic items would be removed with League of Legends preseason 14 and ranked season will feature another split in their newest Dev Update video.

Riot Games on why postponing mid-scope updates

Putting that aside, the developers have also postponed mid-scope reworks. Andrei “Meddler”‘ van Roon highlighted in a comment of a Reddit post that mid-scope updates are presently on hold when addressing the major preseason adjustments coming to the game.

According to Meddler, this is because the devs that work on mid-scopes are (mostly) the same crew that works on the preseason, thus that’s where their attention is right now.

“Once preseason work’s out of the way we’ll take a look at things and see whether to put mid-scopes, other work or a mixture of the two on the docket,”

Image via Riot Games

Midscope updates, unlike reworks, usually merely involve modifications to the champion’s kit and do not include any big visual or sound effect upgrades. The most recent example is Ivern’s modification in Patch 13.11, which changed his power from enchantment and buff-sharing to a more aggressive playstyle.

When addressing the release schedule for major preseason improvements, Meddler revealed how everything will be rolled out in one huge patch, followed by a few of smaller updates.

Image via Riot Games

In other words, the following preseason will be densely packed and thoroughly formed by the time the season is released.