Riot reveals mid-scope update to Taliyah mini-rework coming in patch 12.9

Riot Games confirmed the Taliyah mini-rework a while ago. The updates are already live and will be available on the PBE before being rolled out to live servers

Image via Riot Games

Taliyah was immensely popular in professional play for a few seasons after her release. Taliyah was not well-liked by the majority of the player base due to her difficulty. She was doing well at higher elo in the jungle, though.

However, she is rarely seen in the mid-lane, her original role, as she has fallen out of favor with the current meta. Taliyah, on the other hand, is in desperate need of an update to bring her back into the game.

Riot August, Riot’s lead champion designer, revealed the first look at the changes for Taliyah, and there are significant changes to how she’ll be played. Her burst power and early roaming potential are being nerfed, but she is also having some big changes to her other abilities that might put her back in the meta.

Image via Riot Games

Taliyah mini-rework



Threaded Volley (Q)

Seismic Shove (W)

Unraveled Earth (E)

Weaver’s Wall (R)

Image via Riot Games

The Taliyah mini-rework will be available for testing on the PBE tomorrow, and the final modifications will be accessible in patch 12.9 on May 11.