Riot to nerf Sion’s zombie form damage by 50% against towers on the PBE

Riot is aiming to nerf the inting Sion strategy

Image via Riot Games

Sion has grown in popularity in Season 12 as players use the “inting” approach to split push insanely fast, which consists of solely pushing minion waves and bringing down opponent towers by exploiting his zombie form.

His passive is one of the most unique abilities in the game, and because it has no cooldown, the champion may repeatedly die to run down opponents, minions, and structures.

Thebausffs, one of the most prominent League streams and a Sion OTP, popularized the inting strategy of dying frequently to exploit his zombie form to easily knock down enemies in exchange for little gold from killing him. Now, Riot is making a way to stop this.

Sion’s zombie form, which was discovered on the game’s test server, does 50% less damage to towers, which seems to be a big nerf for the top lane champion.

This adjustment to Sion’s kit makes some sense because it prevents players from dying purposely in the early game in order to collect more gold via turret plating. Because it has practically no counterplay, this strategy is often seen as harmful and abusive to the current meta. 

Image via Riot Games

Although these adjustments haven’t been confirmed to hit live servers yet, the nerfs are anticipated to arrive with patch 12.9, which is set to be released on May 11.