Riot Phreak again criticizes LoL player base as “Players don’t read” with recent Patch 13.17

While League of Legends patches vary in number, most have brought major changes to the game, and while it certainly makes sense to adjust to them, it turns out that a large portion of the players doesn’t even read through the patch.

“Players don’t read” – according to Riot Phreak

On August 23, when previewing Patch 13.17 and remarking on what Riot Games is attempting to achieve with the updates, David “Riot Phreak” Turley disclosed an intriguing fact: most League players do not read.

Phreak used Zeri and Patch 13.12 as an example in the YouTube video, which completely deleted her connection with Sheen and Spellblade. However, more than half of the players were still playing Trinity Force on this champion on the day the patch was released.

“We saw from Zeri that on day 1 more than half of Zeri players build Trinity Force as first item. So, we know players don’t read. A lot of them do—the behavior shifted over time,”

Image via Riot Games

On August 23, the players instantly replied, stating that champions like as Zeri might change substantially from patch to patch, making it difficult to adjust so rapidly.

Riot August entered the conversation, stating that while developing a champion, they must constantly keep in mind that many players do not read tooltips.

“If a champ has a mechanic that can only be learned by reading a tooltip, it is likely that a good chunk of players will not know it exists,”

Images via Riot Games

The general consensus is that half of the community delves into patch notes, while the other half glosses over or ignores them entirely.

Some players simply read patch notes in part, only looking at the changes that affect them and their role—a dangerous practise, especially since you need every edge you can get in League of Legends.