Riot Phreak raged and slammed over pro players’ reactions toward Patch notes

The release of Kai’Sa nerfs in Patch 13.15 has caused a heated controversy in recent days, with many players believing the nerfs were insufficient.

Riot Phreak slammed pro players over Kai’sa nerfs

The nerfs have received a great deal of criticism. David “Phreak” Turley, a former Caster and prominent LoL Game Designer, has expressed his displeasure with pro-players, accusing them of being “bad at reading patch notes and understanding them.”

Following the release of the proposed nerfs for AP Kai’Sa, there was a flood of comments and complaints, with many players, pro-players included, voicing their displeasure with the nerfs on Reddit and other social platforms.

Kai’Sa nerfs:

Image via Riot Games

These changes may appear small when seen numerically, but Riot Phreak blasted everyone for misinterpreting the patch notes. Phreak discussed the reasoning behind the nerfs and their actual consequences in the League of Legends subreddit comments.

The Q adjustments, he claims, are intended to distinguish the builds such that the AP build has a weaker Q, “it makes the build have a meaningfully weaker button.” Along with the W modification and the lowered chance of exploding 5 additional plasma stacks, the AP build’s damage will be reduced even further.

Neither change is massive. In truth Kai’Sa only really needs about 1-1.5% wr nerf.

But players are really bad at reading patch notes and understanding them. Pros included. We will likely ship another nerf because perception is reality.”

Kai’Sa, in Phreak’s opinion, does not require a significant modification or nerf. His message contains some jabs at the community and even pro players. According to Phreak, players struggle to read and comprehend patch notes. He also hinted that further nerfs for Kai’Sa will be on the way.

Image via Riot Games

It will be fascinating to watch how the community and others respond to Phreak’s remark, as well as what future Kai’Sa nerfs could mean. For the time being, we must wait and see how the initial round of nerfs affect Kai’Sa win rate.