Riot confirmed removing Mythic Items system and reworking it entirely in Preseason 2024

Mythic Items have been a hot topic of discussion recently, with Riot confirming their future in a recent Dev update video

Mythic items have been one of the most problematic additions to League of Legends in recent years, but it appears they have served their purpose.

Some players worried about how limited Mythic items may be to a champion’s build path, while others were pleased with how simple builds were for certain champions. Whether you support or oppose them, Riot is dissatisfied with the way Mythic items have been implemented in today’s game and with the community.

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Mythic items system is being removed in 2024

Riot has previously hinted about removing the Mythic items system, which is a fantastic idea if they can replace it. They appear to have recognised it, since Riot announced in the most recent dev video that Mythic items system are being removed.

Riot Pupulasers mentioned the removal of Mythic Items in the recent dev update video. The explanation is because Mythic Items were too restricted for many champions, causing some itemization issues.

Image via Riot Games

Several Riot developers have already discussed this issue, since there were too few Mythic items to match too many distinct sorts of champions. As a result, Riot has chosen to remove the system and alter how it function.

For the time being, Riot has said that the existing Mythic items will be adjusted such that they are not the main focus of a build.

Image via Riot Games

Aside from that, while the Mythic item tier will be removed next year, some of the store’s most popular items, such as Trinity Force and Infinity Edge, will stay. These items can also be purchased simultaneously, although much work will be required to balance.