League of Legends: Riot is removing Toxic Players from Ranked Solo Queue

With the implementation of the in-game report feature, Riot is introducing one more way to effectively remove toxic players out of solo queue

Riot has been working on new features for the last six months to counteract the pervasive toxicity that has characterised League of Legends.

According to a recent blog post by Hana “TimTamMonster” Dinh, Riot is planning to take dramatic measures to tackle toxicity in the game in the next months.

Image via Riot Games

TimTamMonster disclosed that toxic players would be kicked out of the ranked queue and forced to play in other lines instead. This implies that if a player engages in any disruptive behaviour, they will be forced to play in other queues rather than the solo queue.

This punishment will be applied to players that were marked for going AFK, chat abuse, or purposeful run-it-down behavior. Players who have been penalised for this sort of behaviour will have to play through different queue forms in order to unlock ranked again.

Image via Riot Games

Not only that, but Riot will impose the normal punishments on players who are frequently caught with disruptive behaviour in their games, such as account bans and extended queue wait times.

The League community has generally welcomed the concept behind these changes, and many are eager to see how they play out.

Image via Riot Games

It was also said that when the ranked-lockout goes live, the team would carefully check other queue forms to monitor behaviour or players and whether disruptive behaviour will escalate in other queue forms.