Riot revealed Reworked Skarner’s arsenal, including tossing boulders

For those players enthusiasts of Skarner who have patiently awaited updates on their cherished scorpion, Riot Games has finally shared comprehensive details in a recent League of Legends developer blog post.

This update encompasses both visual and gameplay enhancements, shedding light on the champion’s revamped abilities, thanks to the insights provided by Brad “Hoboboy” Gaffney.

Image via Riot Games

Riot provided details of Skarner’s Rework kit

The focal point of the rework revolves around Skarner’s Q, W, and E abilities, each bringing significant alterations to his playstyle. A particularly noteworthy adjustment is found in his Q ability, where he now has the power to tear a piece of terrain directly from the Summoner’s Rift.

Although this action entails a more extended casting time, the payoff is substantial, empowering Skarner’s auto-attacks. Moreover, he gains the ability to toss this extracted boulder at enemies, not only slowing them down but also delivering a significant blow in terms of damage, kinda like Gnar.

While the mechanics of his W were not exhaustively explained, a video suggests a ground slam maneuver. This move not only grants Skarner a shield but also deals magic damage to the nearest enemy. This could potentially serve as a crucial ability, providing him with increased durability when engaging teamfights.

His E, on the other hand, introduces a formidable and somewhat frightening ability. This skill provides Skarner with a ramping movement speed towards an enemy champion. Upon reaching the targeted opponent, Skarner can grab and carry them a short distance. In a twist, he also has a brief window to pin them to a wall, inducing a stun effect and delivering additional damage.

Notably, the activation of his E allows Skarner to plow through specific types of terrain, and while doing so, he can seize a boulder to wield against his adversaries. This dual functionality makes it a tool for executing flawless ganks, allowing Skarner to traverse terrain and orchestrate well-timed attacks to assist teammates.

Despite the significant overhaul, Skarner’s ultimate ability is the only aspect of his kit that seems to be retaining some semblance of its former self.

However, hints from game designer Jacob “Llama” Crouch suggest that his ultimate, may no longer be a simple point-and-click ability. The team’s vision is to create a version of Impale that combines awe-inspiring moments with strategic depth, potentially transforming the iconic ability into a skillshot—a change that could lead to both spectacular plays and moments of uncertainty, as hinted by Crouch.

Image via Riot Games

A lot of information of the rework was revealed in this blog post, and even more to go in the near future!