Riot revealed an unnamed support enchanter, a jungler and a new fighter bot laner will be the 3 next champions to join League

According to Riot Games, we can expected them to be the next champions to join the game in Season 12.

If you’re familiar with Riot Games, you’ll know that the League of Legends team enjoys teasing its player base with oblique hints about the game’s next batch of champions. Lead champion producer Ryan “Reav3” Mireles teased a new support, jungler, and bottom laner in a developer vlog released earlier.

As a primer, the gameplay trailer for Zeri was displayed at the beginning of the program. Following that, Reav3 discussed how he and the rest of the team looked at the game’s existing cast of enchanters and decided they’re all “light-hearted, colorful, [and] well-aligned.” As a result, the team set out to build a darker, more evil champion for support players to choose. In what appears to be an unavoidable foreshadowing, he stated that support players will go “berserk” over this new champion.

Credit: League of Legends

“We also wanted to make a champion whose theme and kit make support players feel like the boss they are,” Reav3 added. “Those damage carries always get all the credit, but it’s always been you behind the scenes, keeping them alive with your buffs, constantly saving them from certain death.”

Riot Reav3 is allegedly taken over by the Void after hinting at this dark assistance. He begins babbling about “the Lavender Sea” and how “[his] majesty” rules over Runeterra. Before returning to his senses to complete the film, he adds that the city of Belvast will fall first. To complement the earlier Void-like outburst, Reav3 mentions a “terrifying” new jungler who would “swarm” Summoner’s Rift later this year.

Image via Riot Games

Finally, a cryptic picture is presented to tease the introduction of another champion later this year. Reav3 also stated that they will be “whipping out” this non-traditional bottom laner, which might be an indication of the character’s attack style or skills.

For League fans, this year is already shaping up to be an interesting one, with lots of surprises in store. Meanwhile, you may join Summoner’s Rift and begin your ranked journey right now.