Riot has Reworked Ghost for upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.14

Riot is making significant changes to the summoner spell Ghost in Patch 13.14

Riot has unveiled some of the changes for the upcoming Patch 13.14 in League of Legends. Among the suggested adjustments is a rework of the summoner spell Ghost. Since Patch 10.12, the summoner spell Ghost has been extremely powerful. Riot, on the other hand, took years to realise that it had been broken. Now, Riot is finally taking actions when Marksmen champions began exploiting Ghost.

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Riot plans to alter the summoner spell Ghost in Patch 13.14. They want to make the summoner spell less effective for Marksmen while keeping it basically same for its intended users.

Summoner Spell Ghost changes in Patch 13.14

Spideraxe has revealed the changes on his Twitter. Riot appears to be dealing with it by increasing its base duration while eliminating its takedown effect.

Ghost’s length has been raised by five seconds, and takedowns no longer enhance Ghost’s duration while being activated.

Riot appears to be attempting to move Ghost’s effect away from team combat and towards solo combat. Takedowns no longer extending ghost duration will make the summoner spell less helpful on Marksmen, while champions like Hecarim will benefit from the duration increase.

Images via Riot Games

Nonetheless, this also impacts kill-reset champions like Master Yi, whereas some players prefer to take Ghost since it works perfectly with his Ultimate.

The summoner’s spell will be updated in Patch 13.14, which is set to be released on July 19, 2023.