Riot reworked K’Sante again with over 50 CHANGES

K’Sante, the Pride of Nezumah, is once again facing significant changes in League of Legends. This time, Riot Games is taking a more aggressive approach, aiming to nerf his overall power level.

The changes, which include adjustments to his base stats, abilities, and ultimate, are designed to make him less dominant in both solo queue and professional play.

Image via Riot Games

Riot Phreak, who has been leading the charge on K’Sante’s balance adjustments, admitted that previous changes had not achieved the desired results. He apologized for his mistakes and explained that Riot wants K’Sante to remain a strong tank pick but not the undisputed best.

The new changes, which will be implemented in Patch 14.19, focus on reducing K’Sante’s burst damage and mobility. While he will still be a tanky champion, his strength will be more reliant on resistances and late-game scaling.

Image via Riot Games

The community has reacted negatively to these changes, with many players expressing concerns about K’Sante’s viability and fun factor. Some argue that the changes will make him too difficult to play effectively, while others believe that they will simply nerf him into oblivion.

K’Sante (rework) changes in Patch 14.19

Base stats

Passive — Dauntless Instinct

Q — Ntofo Strikes

W — Path Maker

E — Footwork

R — All Out Ultimate

It remains to be seen whether these changes will be successful in addressing K’Sante’s balance issues. Only time will tell if Riot Games has finally found the right formula for the Pride of Nezumah.