New Miss Fortune critical strike buffs are being tested on PBE

Riot has improved Miss Fortune‘s critical strike builds and added more shock and awe to her twin pistols in a new build on the League of Legends PBE server.

Tim “Truexy” Jiang, an associate game designer, described the modifications coming to her Q ability, Double Up, among other things.

In addition to Miss Fortune’s Q’s enhancement, the cast duration has now been adjusted from a base of 0.25 seconds to match the player’s default attack speed.

The bonus attack speed granted by Strut while the ability is used will likewise increase, with each level receiving a 10% buff.

Additionally, the cost of the skill will decrease by 10 mana from 45 to 35. As a result, this ought to encourage players to focus on increasing her Q rather than a continuously spamming poke with Make It Rain.

Speaking of Miss Fortune’s Make It Rain ability, its cooldown times and damage-over-time have been reduced, while its slow has received a slight improvement. Instead of having a scaled slow that increases with level, the ability will now have a fixed slow of 50% and an increase of 4% for every 100 ability power.

Riot is also raising the bonus critical strike chance damage from 20% of each wave’s damage to 30% in an effort to further enhance her critical strike builds. Players may thus return to a late-game critical strike-based construct that, with enough levels and gear, can run amok.