Riot is letting upcoming top lane changes be decided by LoL players

More changes to the top lane in League of Legends are planned, but it seems this time Riot Games wants to hear from you first.

On July 21, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, the lead designer for League’s team, posted a poll on Twitter asking players what improvements they would most want to see in the top lane. There are four choices in the poll, most of which also fit into other lanes as well.

LoL players will decide on upcoming top lane changes

In the Twitter post, there are 4 options players can choose from, those includes:

Image via Riot Games

The option “junglers ganking top” might refers to giving junglers a more advantageous place to gank in the top lane. Riot is also mulling a different strategy in which junglers would engage in more bot ganking, enabling top lane players to scale better.

The other two options include giving top laners the ability to win their lane before roaming and having additional tools to affect bot lane. The last option most likely has something to do with Teleport, which has recently been heavily modified for players.

Image via Riot Games

After the most recent changes, the developers feel top is getting near to their state, but it still requires a tiny buff. It’s difficult to disagree with it from our perspective. Early on, the top lane is frequently a game unto itself, with junglers seldom engaging because it doesn’t provide much value.

Additionally, it is better for them to concentrate on other parts of the map because minor results in other lanes like the bottom or mid lane let them to gain more control over important objectives. Early snowballing can frequently result in resounding triumphs.

Image via Riot Games

As of now, the option “win my lane, then roam” has received over 44% of the total votes, making it the choice that is most likely to be made. The least voted one, “Junglers ganking top,” had only 11%of the vote, while the other two have around 21 and 22%.