Riot to implement updates for Janna in patch 12.1, reducing her poking potential

The first patch of season 12 will feature new updates to Janna’s kit. This time, her playstyle is undergoing some major adjustments that will affect her laning phase in the early game.

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August Browning, Riot Games’ lead champion designer, has confirmed many changes to Janna’s abilities that would take lane poke power out of her W + AA’s” while also improving her Howling Gale a lot stronger as an offensive skill.

To clarify, the thing that makes the Q stronger offensively is the min range and travel speed. Max charge Q’s are much harder to dodge and snapcast knockups are easier to hit, especially when combo’d with W.”

Her Q’s late-game mana costs are being reduced, but both its minimum and maximum range are being expanded. At higher levels, the travel duration of the ability is lowered by 0.25 seconds, and the damage is increased by 20, especially when fully charged.

Result of the changes, according to Riot August, Janna should be able to utilize her Q a lot more to do some significant damage if she can hit them successfully.

Despite the fact that her W poking potential is being reduced, August stated that its usefulness will be more beneficial for utility purposes. Her W cooldown has been raised to 12 seconds at all levels, although all the bonus stats have all been boosted to compensate for the long delay.

Image via Riot Games

As for players who play Janna in a more protective playstyle, Her E shield now has a shorter cooldown and lasts longer before decaying, Riot is also eliminating its passive in which slowing or knocking down any enemies decreases E’s cooldown by 20%. As a result, Janna players will have to be far more selective about the champions they shield in season 12.