Riot revealed Zyra’s Quality-of-life changes coming in League Patch 13.13

Riot Games has set its sights on Zyra, a League of Legends champion who has been in severe need of care.

Riot Games is finally showing some love to Zyra with a handful of enhancements, all of which are set to be released in Patch 13.13. These modifications will have an effect not only on her core performance as a support, but also on her stats as a jungler.

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League of Legends Zyra Buffs in patch 13.13

P – Garden of Thorns

W – Rampant Growth

E – Grasping Roots

R – Stranglethorns

Image via Riot Games

The essence of these buffs is that they expressly target certain plants. Plants will no longer take four bars of damage from area-of-effect abilities as part of her passive, instead taking three. Instead of inflicting a flat 150% damage to jungle monsters, all of Zyra’s plants deal an extra 40-100 magic damage that scales with her level.

Zyra’s early-game is also benefiting from the addition of two seeds immediately after ranking up her W for the first time, rather than simply one. Furthermore, similar to Morgana’s Q and Lux’s Q, Zyra will now be able to Flash when performing her E, giving her a bit more survivability if she’s in a tight spot.

Image via Riot Games

Another big issue with Zyra’s kit is the mechanics of her ultimate. The ability’s range indication frequently needs Zyra to step forward for it to be thrown in its present setup. When she reaches the maximum range for the ability, it will now cast instantly, giving her enough time to effectively escape if required.

These improvements, along with others that will be published over the coming week and uploaded to the PBE for testing, will be made available on League’s live servers on June 28 with Patch 13.13.