Which one in League of Legends is Riot’s Best Designed Champion?

In the roster of 148 champions, who has the best design ? A good design champion is a champion has healthy kit, great personality and fun to play


Nami must be the most neutral champion in League of Legends. Her Q which deals magic damage, reveals and suspends the enemy for 1,5 seconds, with these stats Nami’s Q seem very strong but Riot had balanced it out with a slow travel speed. The feeling of hitting Nami’s Q is super satisfied and the opponent who got hit can’t complain about because the Q is easy to dodge.

Nami’s Q

You can onetrick Nami as a supporter because she has the capacity to fit with every strategy. If your AD is a agressive one like Draven or Lucian, your E can enhance teammate attack for better pressure; or your AD is using champions that weak in early game like Jinx or Vayne, your W will heal your AD and deal damage to enemys, this helps your AD to play safely and scaling for lategame.

Playing as Nami you never feel outclassed by any other supporters. When Nami is winning the lane she never feel unbalanced and vice versa, she always useful no matter how bad the lanning phase is.


Warwick before the rework is a bad design champion, unhealthy gameplay with his R, the most cancerous ultimate ever, is a point and click skill that teleports Warwick next to the target and suppressing them.

Riot hasn’t always done great with reworks, the season 5 Mordekaiser rework which turns him to be a ADC is a disaster, Aatrox rework completely remove Aatrox identity from being one hit to being a copy of Riven. Warwick rework is a success, it managed many problems that Warwick had. His Q will follow the target when holding, his R is now a skillshot that scaling with his movement speed. Warwick’s playstyle now is like a true predator, follows blood track and finish off the enemy.

Who got shivered when watching this teaser ? I did !


For a long time, Orianna has been popular for all types of players from LCS pros to auto-filled mid laners even onetricks at high elo. She is a jack of all trades master of none champion that even when she is considered overpower, it never feels bad to play against her. Most of League of Legends players rather have a matchup against a skillful high elo Orianna player than playing against Zed or Talon when they are broken and obliterate you with insane damage.

Her ultimate has always been a exciting skill to use and in most of the wombo-combo highlights there is always a Orianna’s R to set things up for teammates.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin is a arguable choice in this list, but there is no champion that is well-known in the gaming industry like Lee Sin. Many players buy Lee Sin as their first champion because of his design, a badass blind monk, who doesn’t want to try playing as him !?

Even though he is considered a overload champion, the idea of hitting Q and pressing Q again to flying kick back to the enemy is somehow super fun and excited. Nowadays, everyone who plays League of Legends knows a move called “inSec”, this move revolutionises Lee Sin and Choi “inSec” In-seok goes down to the history of League.

The born of “inSec”


In League of Legends history, Jhin release is one of the most memorable one. With a new champion teaster Jhin: Mind of the Virtuoso and the changes in Garen, Vi, Zed and Sona’s profile page, Riot was able to create a lots of discussion around Jhin weeks before his release was official announced.

Beside his momorable release, the idea around the number 4, the mask, the aesthetic look is the facts everyone loves to play Jhin. His kit and playstyle is completely different from all the previous ADCs who focus on DPS but rather kitting and mid-range burst followed by long-range utility and snipes, Jhin has the best design in the game, hands down !

Everything about this champion makes sense, he is easy to pick up but hard to master. He has a lots of skillshot but he dosen’t feel that hard to play, more on that, he has probably the most fun Ultimate in the entire game and everything feels so fluid. Riot may never be able to create another champion like Jhin.

What is your opinion? Who is the best Champion Riot has ever designed?