Players came up with interesting theory about Riot’s Legendary+ tier skins

Riot’s newest Ultimate skin, Soul fighter Samira, which costs 3250 RP, is unquestionably the star of the Soul Fighter skinline introduced with League of Legends Patch 13.14. Unfortunately, League players do not believe it is worthy of the Ultimate skin title, and they feel that this might be a way to introduce a new skin tier.

On June 28, after seeing Samira’s Soul Fighter skin highlight, players flocked to League’s subreddit to discuss a crazy speculation regarding this skin and Riot’s intentions.

One player stated in the Reddit post that while this skin is definitely not of Ultimate tier, it is far superior to Legendary ones. They think Riot increased the price of the Legendary skin to create a new skin tier between Legendary and Ultimate skins, which right know we known as Legendary+.

Fans theory about Riot new Ultimate Samira skin

According to this theory, the plan is for players to voice their disappointment about the skin quality, and then lower the price of Samira’s skin to somewhere between Legendary and Ultimate price, thus creating a new tier for skins that have more animations and features but aren’t up to Ultimate tiers.

The Winterblessed Diana and Empyrean Pyke skins, which feature distinctive map-wide effects once they achieve a pentakill, are the finest examples right now.

In the past, we have seen leaks about a new tier skin called Legendary+ that has some unique effects every time you score a kill, an objectives…

Big Bad Bear has posted a video with skin effect samples from two existing legendary skins: PROJECT: Mordekaiser and Storm Dragon Lee Sin. The video depicts the concept behind the new skin tier, which apparently costs between 2200 and 2600 RP.

If Riot chooses to follow this way, history will repeat itself. Riot raised the price of 17 skins from 975 to 1350 RP in 2013. Riot has yet to respond to this outlandish hypothesis, but we should hear something soon.