Riot’s plan to alter the current meta

Riot is planning a lot with many ongoing projects in order to change the meta.

Recently, Mark Yetter – Riot Scruffy, Gameplay Design Director of League of Legends, shared some updates of projects they are working on.

This project focus on reducing systemic mobility, which is being too broken at the moment.

Tank legendary item options

Riot will both reduce the near mandatory status of Thornmail but also boosting a bunch of underused items like Frozen Heart and Warmogs. Hope to create more opportunities for Tankers.

Reducing Systemic Mobility

A new project they are ramping up. This is going to be both addressing major mobility outliers that go too far breaking intended weaknesses (like Strikebreaker) and trimming lots of small movement speed creep across items and runes. These are not meant to be nerfed, just power shifts away from too much mobility.

Tahm Kench

The big fat boy is being reworked. They are finishing art and tuning, which are progressing nicely.

After the work with Tahm Kench is finished, they will continue with the art of Sona.

Top agency and Split Pushing

Riot is continuing the work to increase Top Lane agency and the viability of split pushing. Currently, they have a split focused fighter item, a split focused tank item and some adjustments to outer turrets make them a bit more valuable.

There will be new items in the shop.

Defensive Enchanter Legendary

This is still in the works, however, they put other projects and designs in a higher priority. As the result we must wait for a long time to see this actual come in a patch.