Riot is turning Rumble into an AP Bruiser with new maximum health scaling updates

Rumble players should brace themselves for huge updates in League of Legends, as the devs are planning substantial adjustments for the champion

According to datamined information from Spideraxe, Riot Games is shaking up every single one of Rumble’s skills. Most significantly, the Yordle now has maximum health converters on his Q and W, which is most likely intended to encourage players to build him in a more bruiser-like playstyle.

League of Legends Rumble changes

Image via Riot Games

Rumble’s base stats will be tweaked, with lower starting health and greater health growth. Furthermore, his maximum heat will be boosted from 100 to 150, but the duration of Overheat will be lowered to four seconds. 

Both Rumble’s Q and W will now scale with maximum health, with his Q causing 6-10% of maximum HP damage and his W 6% of maximum health damage. When it comes to his Q, basic damage and minion damage will both be lowered. The shield on W will also be toned down significantly.

Image via Riot Games

Rumble’s E and ultimate have both been modified, with his E providing 20 heat and his R cooldown and AP ratio being raised.

With these improvements, Rumble players might gain more advantages from building tanky, AP items, improving their health, and increasing their Q damage.