Rumor of new skin Eclipse Senna cost more than 18k RP leaves fans speechless

A leaked Senna skin, which is reported to cost more than 18,000 RP to obtain, has sparked some attention from the community

Image via Riot Games

There are thousands of skins available in League now, and more are being added all the time. It is often difficult for players to decide which cosmetics best suit them. Riot, thankfully, releases a variety of skins for the game each season, with each skin line having an entirely distinct concept. Although certain champions receive more attention than others, Riot never fails to deliver when it comes to skins.

However, a new leak from a reputable source regarding an impending Senna skin has sparked many concerns, with the new skin estimated to cost up to 18,750 RP.

Big Bad Bear, a League of Legends accurate leaker known by many players, stated that an Eclipse skin line would be added to the game in patch 12.8.

While this announcement originally delighted the community, it quickly turned to dissatisfaction when it was discovered that the Eclipse Senna Prestige Edition will cost 18,750 RP. However, the skin will not likely have a one-time price, but it will need users to acquire 25 capsules that slightly cost more than 18,000 RP.

Image via Riot Games

The news quickly went viral and started seeing noticed from the community. The majority of gamers appear to be dissatisfied that they will lose out on a new skin for the champion since they are unwilling to spend that much money to purchase. Despite the overwhelming outrage, several pointed out that buying 25 capsules will get you more than just 1 skin, and the value isn’t the same.

Of course, it’s important to note that this leak is now only a rumor, and gamers may have to wait for another 2 to 3 patches to find out the truth.