Runaan’s Hurricane gets its recipe reverted in Patch 10.25

Changes with Runaan’s Hurricane is expected to help Crit ADC back to the game.

One of the main reasons why marksmen have been extremely weak in the preseason is that the items for them are currently too expensive. More particularly, three core Mythic items including Galeforce, Kraken Slayer, and Immortal Shieldbow are all cost 3400 gold, among the most expensive Mythic items. Other items such as Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Runaan’s Hurricane… are having the same cost.

It, therefore, makes ADC spend even more time than before in order to farm to reach the required golds for their core items. But the efficiency is not as good as the stats itself such as AD, critical rate… have been nerfed compared to the previous patches. The marksman items are in a situation where prices don’t come with effectiveness. That is why Riot has to lower the prices of a series of items built from Zeal in patch 10.25.

In the latest changes on the PBE server, the Runaan’s Hurricane is being reverted and the cost of the item is sharply reduced. The League of Legends community after discovering these changes could not hide their delight as hyper-carry champions who rely on this item like Jinx, Aphelios, Twitch,… are finally got some buffs.

Essentially, the marksmen items are not too weak, the problem is that it has their extremely high price causes the power threshold of this class to come later than the other. Riot Games seems to recognize the situation, so they have been lowering the cost of ADC items in recent patches. Perhaps, Riot should also reduce the price of the Mythic trio to 200-300 gold to give the ADCs a better foothold in the current meta.