Ryze nerf in Patch 12.7 has turned him into one of the worst midlaners in the game

Ryze, the worst champion in League of Legends patch 12.7

Patch 12.7 aims to prepare the game for MSI, the year’s first international tournament. With the emphasis on professional play, one well-known champion, in particular, has seen his solo queue win rate plummet, which may not auger well for the next tournament.

Ryze, a champion infamous for seemingly continuous reworks since his introduction alongside the worldwide premiere of League, is currently suffering as a result of massive nerfs in Patch 12.7. According to op.gg, his current win rate is 42.11 % (lowest in the game) with a 2.32 % pick rate, and he is regarded as one of the worst mid-lane champions right now.

Lowest win rate in the mid lane

This patch affects both straight nerfs to his kit and incidental nerfs to Winter’s Approach, one of his favorite items.

Riot reduced the strength of Ryze’s Q scaling with his mana due to his increased number in pro play throughout the world. To balance off, the ability increased its AP ratio by 5%. However, this was insufficient to account for the most significant nerf to the item Winter’s Approach.

Winter’s Approach was heavily nerfed as part of Patch 12.7, both in terms of cost and the stats it gives. Due to these circumstances, Ryze now finds it difficult to rush the item as his first complete buy and lacks any other solid build routes to rely on, owing to how important it has been to him since its debut. As a result, Ryze’s win rate has plunged to one of the lowest it has ever been.

Image via Riot Games

Winter’s Approach first appeared in League in the preseason 2022 and quickly became Ryze’s core items for many of his builds. Winter’s Approach also evolves into Fimbulwinter, offering even better stats and allowing him to be tanky without risking any AP potential.