Let’s discover Senna Grasp of the Undying, the new build that is super annoying

Tanky, annoying, hard to be killed but also difficult to escape from are the most correct words to describe Senna Grasp of the Undying.

After her release, Senna has already been listed in the category of “Perfect” champions since her kit has everything that is possible to put in a champion. She has long-range poke abilities, good crowd control, escape capacity, power that scaling with time…Summary, she is that type of champion which can be removed from the meta due to the benefits she brings for a team.

For those reasons below, Senna no-farm playstyle was born and and had unleashed for a short period until being nerfed by Riot. With a decreasing in the possibility of soul’s spawn, therefore lower her damage potential. Despite the nerfs, with her multi-purpose kit, players still ideate many new playstyles and one of those is Senna Grasp of the Undying.

But why Grasp of the Undying ? Many players debate this build because Grasp of the Undying is a rune mainly for Tankers. But don’t forget that Senna is a special champion, her damage is from scailing her passive rather than from items, all she needs is safety and Grasp of the Undying satisfies that requirement.

More on that, Senna’s Q Piercing Darkness is a amazing skill that is considered basic attack, this mean you can use Q to activate Grasp of the Undying withou using her basic attack. Even if you have to use basic attack, with 600 original attack range it can easily activate Grasp of the Undying. In short, Senna Grasp of the Undying still keeps her old potential in the no-farm playstyle but now she is even tanky-er.

Even World Champion LWX is using Senna Grasp of the Undying in 2020 LoL Mid Season Cup – LCK vs LPL

About her runes, Grasp of the Undying is definitely her primary one, in the second line, Font of Life is the most fit because Senna has a good crowd control and it will assist teammate in surviving in combat. Last is Bone Plating and Overgrowth for even more tanky and scailing with her passive.

The secondary path, Presence of Mind is right now overpower so there is no reason to avoid this one. The last one is Legend: Tenacity because Senna needs good positioning in combat.

About her items, the most important one of this playstyle is Frozen Mallet due to the fact that you can slow down enemy’s movement, therefore easier to activate your Grasp of the Undying and Senna’s W. In addition, Senna’s role nowadays is played more of a support so the slow that Frozen Mallet gives is not redundant. The next item should be Black Cleaver, a item that gives extra heath, CDR and armor reduction. Normally after built her support item, boot, Frozen Mallet and Black Cleaver, the match is over, but if the match is still continue, Mortal Reminder to inflict Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for 5 seconds or Edge of Night for more safety in combat.

In conclusion, Senna Grasp of the Undying is a tanky-er version, more annoying and better crowd control than previous verion. You will confortable with this playstyle cause lots of pro are using this playstyle and the outcome is pretty positive.