What’s the Seraphine big changes coming in LoL Patch 13.21?

Riot Games has unveiled its intentions to change Seraphine’s abilities and role in the upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.21, with a primary goal of shifting her power more towards being a viable support champion.

Since her introduction to the League in 2020, Seraphine has grappled with her identity within the game. She faced criticism for her resemblance and kit similarities to Sona, which left players questioning her function in the game.

Image via Riot Games

Originally, Riot had designed Seraphine to be an AP Mid Laner, but over time, she gradually transitioned to the Bot Lane, and now, she’s predominantly played as a Support champion. The aspect of this evolution is that her base stats remained more akin to champions found in solo lanes, leading to underwhelming performance as a Support. As a response to this dilemma, Riot has decided to recalibrate her base stats to be more in line with typical Support champions.

Seraphine changes in LoL Patch 13.21

Base Stats:

Q – High Note:

W – Surround Sound:

E – Beat Drop:

Image via Riot Games

The intended outcome of these adjustments is to boost Seraphine’s presence and effectiveness when played in the Support role, making her a more appealing option for players who prefer this role. However, there’s a trade-off to consider – these changes are expected to result in Seraphine being less potent when picked in the mid and botlane positions. The overarching aim here is to create a healthier balance and clearly define Seraphine’s niche within the League of Legends ecosystem.

Image via Riot Games

The League of Legends community can anticipate these Seraphine changes coming to life in Patch 13.21, which is scheduled for release on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.