Seraphine: All Her Essential Build Before You Purchase Her Expensive Ultimate Skin

Some say Seraphine is “Sona 2.0” but she still has some decent differences.

Seraphine is ready to show up on Summoner’s Rift in Patch 10.22. If you are researching and preparing for this singer originated from Piltover, we will provide some basic build and also tips and tricks for you to be well prepared. Furthermore, she will be the first champion in League of Legends who receive an Ultimate Skin as her first skin, if you have already prepared your cash and readied to flex hard, make sure to know her thoroughly before playing.


We won’t talk about this too much because Riot already made an extremely well video explaining how her kit works. Check it out here:


Being a Mage, Seraphine doesn’t have much options to choose from:


This Season

Going mid lane:

Seraphine build somewhat feels similar to Lillia but the only difference is Hextech GLP-800 is definitely a must for her. Consider getting Liandry’s Torment for some beefy damage or add more slow with Rylai’s Crystal Scepter. Rabadon’s Deathcap and Zhonya Hourglass will complete her whole build. For boots: purchase Ionian Boots of Lucidity if your jungler won’t give blue buff, otherwise, get Sorcerer’s Shoes.

Going bot lane:

Well, we don’t have many items to choose from. Rushing Athene’s Unholy Grail will provide you enough damage and healing for your team. If you want to go offensive, get Mejai’s Soulstealer, if not, Mikael’s Crucible, Ardent Censer, and Redemption is the way to go. For boots: purchase Ionian Boots of Lucidity if you are running Mejai’s Soulstealer, if not, Boots of Swiftness or Sorcerer’s Shoes are great choices.

Preseason 2021

With the massive amount of new items coming in Preseason 2021, Seraphine should also buy herself Mythic item.

If you are running mid lane, get Everfrost. Yes, more slow.

If you are a Support, you should go for Imperial Mandate. Bonus ability power and movement speed are everything Seraphine loves.

Playstyle/Tips and Tricks

Seraphine has 2 playstyles depend on you are using her as a Support or a Mage. Even though her AP scale ratio is not most impressive, but the amount of burst damage she is able to deal is much better than traditional “Support-Mid” champion such as Lulu or Karma.

As a support, you will spend most of your time poking your enemies, making them frustrated. Use W – Surround Sound to get a health advantage, if you know how to play Sona well, play Seraphine similar to that.

As a mid laner, you have to maximize your Passive – Stage Presence to increase your auto-attack range. The bonus “Note” will help her pokes extremely well but be cautious cause spamming your abilities may lead to wave pressure, putting you in a gank-able situation.

With her kit and the build recommended by us, you are both a slowing machine and provide tons of movement speed for your team. It will be fairly for you to poke, chase, and kite enemies from far away. Activate your GLP-800 to initiate then use E, burst damage with Q, and then finish them off with your R.

Your Passive works best when you cast your Q or E to clear minions and also keeping a safe distance.

Seraphine will be released in Patch 10.22. Who will buy her Ultimate Skin?