Skarner received micropatch buffs following disappointing VGU

Following the rework of Skarner in League of Legends, Riot Games has demonstrated their commitment to enhancing the champion’s performance by implementing a micropatch to address initial concerns.

The rework received a lukewarm response, with his win rate plummeting to an abysmal number on the day of its debut on live servers.

Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, the lead gameplay designer for League, shared insights into Skarner’s role dynamics, noting that the champion’s performance varies significantly based on mastery level. While the champion seems to excel in the top lane among less experienced players, he struggles to find success in the jungle, with a win rate of 38.59% after two days in the game.

Image via Riot Games

Skarner’s micropatch buffs

Mana Growth       

P Monster Damage Cap  

Q Monster Damage Cap 

W Mana Cost       

E Cooldown

Despite these challenges, Riot remains optimistic about Skarner’s potential, deeming him “quite strong.” However, they emphasize the importance of mastering his ability combinations, such as prioritizing Q before E, to fully utilize his potential on the Rift.

In response to player feedback and performance data, Riot has implemented changes aimed at balancing Skarner’s abilities. Notable adjustments include reducing the cooldown of his E ability while decreasing his mana growth and increasing the mana cost of his W ability, intended to introduce more strategic decision-making into his gameplay.

Image via Riot Games

Furthermore, Riot acknowledges player concerns regarding the weightiness of Skarner’s Q ability, Shattered Earth, particularly in conjunction with his ultimate ability, Upheaval. They aim to make this ability more impactful while ensuring sufficient counterplay opportunities for opponents, with ongoing adjustments in progress.

Image via Riot Games

While the micropatch aims to address immediate power concerns, Riot plans to implement further adjustments in the next patch to rebalance Skarner’s performance between top lane and jungle roles. This iterative approach reflects Riot’s commitment to refining gameplay experiences and maintaining a healthy balance within the game’s ecosystem.