SofM and Nocturne Jungle: the duo climbing top 13 Challenger

Amazingly, it took nearly a week for SofM to reach the top 13 Challenger in the Korean Sever by using Nocturne (from top 100).

A week ago, SofM was enjoying the break with Suning at the off-season. However, from May 10th, he stoped playing other games and paid attention to only climbing Challenger in the Korean sever.

After a few days, the account 8×8 JG of SofM seemed rushing extremely fast on the ladder. He jumped from #108 to #23 on May 14th, then approached the top 10 recently. In the last 24 hours, SofM successfully reached #13 and stoped here.

SofM is having the fastest climbing speed in the Korean sever, he has a win rate of 61% and multiple streaks, sometimes, the streak was 10 wins continuously.

Moreover, the special point here is SofM often used Nocturne super effectively. According to the stats in the last 7 days, SofM has played Nocturne for 10 matches with 100% win rate.

SofM usually build tank Nocturne for the Jungle Role

MSI 2021 will last for nearly 2 weeks, and it will take a long time for the top players of Korea to return. There will be a high chance that SofM can reach the highest position. Especially when he is playing 10 matches per day, he seems to be really determined.