Sterak + Gargoyle to become the new broken build for Bruisers

With Sterak + Gargoyle item combo, Bruisers have become stronger than ever before in League of Legends Patch 11.4.

The 2021 Season item system overhaul has helped many champions to find their way back to the League of Legends meta. The Bruiser champions are the ones who probably benefit the most from the new powerful Mythic items. In the early patches of Season 11, we saw the overwhelming dominance of champions over the Goredrinker with astonishing regeneration.

Up until recent versions, Stridebreaker is a trusted item by many Bruisers when it both adds damage and slightly increases the ability to engage to important targets such as AD carries in combats. Besides the amount of damage, resistance is also something that Bruisers will need to be able to survive in combats.

To solve that problem, many players combined two items: the Sterak’s Gage and the Gargoyle’s Stoneplate and the effect was immense. This build was even used by many players in the LEC for champions like Gnar, Renekton, or Olaf.

The cobination of the two items will add to the champion a large amount of resistance stats such as health, armor and magic resist and allow them to confidently rush to the frontline without fear of evaporation in the blink of an eye.

One thing we need to know is that the Stoneplate shield will increase based on max health, which means an item that adds up to 400 health like Sterak’s Gage will make the shields from Stoneplate’s passive to become really impressive.

Furthermore, the Stoneplate’s passive is no longer reduces damage when activated, so gamers won’t have to worry about the lack of dame output when buying this item. Items will make it very difficult for Bruiser to be taken down quickly, which means you have a higher chance of dealing damage to the enemy champions.

From there, you’ll be able to accumulate Sterak’s Gage stacks with great ease and receive even more recovery. Additionally, both of these items have a shield effect but do not have a passive overlap. So players will have up to 2 times activating the shield in combat and increase the “tankiness” of the Bruiser champions to a whole new level.

This item combo is extremely effective for Bruiser champions at the moment and you can fully take advantage of such a build to get good results in the solo queue.