Stridebreaker will be aimed at by Riot for a Bruisers nerf?

At the same time Stridebreaker is proving to be the best Mythic for Bruisers.

Incoming Stridebreaker nerfs?

Recently, League of Legends Lead gameplay designer – Mark Yetter – posted an article about mobility in the game and the plan for future adjustments revolving around this stat. Riot Games basically admitted that having too many items and runes that increase mobility in the game has fulfilled one of the biggest weaknesses of Bruisers: the lack of mobility. In the near future, Riot will adjust the current situation where mobility is being too popular in the game.

“Some classes (like Juggernauts) are built with exceptional strengths around their lack of mobility. Offering them too much mobility via runes or items can break both the expectations of players in the game and the intended weaknesses of the class. This doesn’t mean they can never be offered mobility, it just has to be done with extra care. Systemic mobility, in particular, is an area we pushed too far with the item update and its followup, and our trimming pass will focus on this space.”

“How did we get here? It’s necessary to push and test the limits of the game to find great improvements, but that does mean that sometimes we will go too far and need to pull back. So we’re working on a few changes to trim down on small instances of mobility creep and a few larger ones where we think we pushed too far in terms of breaking class weaknesses. Look for those in a few patches. Thanks again for playing with us.”

It was this moment that Stridebreaker realise…

On Reddit, the community immediately realized that Stridebreaker is the item that Riot was mentioning in the article. This item, besides strong stats such as Bonus Health, Ability Haste, and Attack Damage, also provide a Mythic passive which increases the percentage of movement speed per Legendary items with an active that allows the champion to dash forward and slow the enemies on impact. This item has brought a whole new level of mobility to slower champion classes such as Bruisers that it covered their weaknesses perfectly.

The nerf for Stridebreaker will affect many meta-champions at the moment such as Gnar, Renekton or Sett, Urgot and even Darius. The exceptions are Lee Sin and Aatrox as mobility isn’t that big of a deal for the Blind Monk, while Aatrox is relying too much on the healing from Goredrinker.

Both Gnar and Sett are having 100% using Stridebreaker at 2021 MSI, while Renekton – a Bruiser with good mobility in his kit also has a very high chance of buying Stridebreaker as well.

In conclusion, with the fact that Stridebreaker is being superior in comparison with other Bruiser items and is covering all of the weaknesses for Bruisers, chance are, it will be nerf in the upcoming patch 11.12 and even a remake in the following patches can be foreseen.