League of Legends: Why are champions “strong as a lion” in competitive but “weak like a kitten” in ranked

There are many reasons for the differences between using a champion in competitive scene and ranked.

it’s obvious a lot of League of Legends players take inspiration from pros in competitive scene and try to recreate what pros did into ranked. However, ranked is a completely different enviroment from competitive’ standards. Here’s why:

The lack of communications between teammates

For an example, the synergy between ADC and Support is pushed to the maximum, they know each other’ personality and mindset. More on that, they have practiced thousand of hours together perfecting their teamwork and they communicate a tons in game.

But in ranked, the majority of players only use ping or chat, it’s not easy to right away understand the others. Typically Kalista and any support, the support player can freely initiate combat knowing Kalista will use her Fate’s Call to pull them back in case of bad stituation, vice versa Kalista can use her Fate’s Call bringing support into combat. In ranked the decision usually one-sided instead of both players’ agreement.

Misunderstanding the nature of a champion

Recently, Bard becomes popular in many tournaments in the world but when brought into ranked Bard is the most backfire champion in League of Legends. Because many players don’t know what to do with Bard.

Bard is more of a roamming support, take adventages from Magical Journey as well as collecting Chimes for extra exp and movement speed. With that Bard wouldn’t be underleveled after roaming. Beside, before roaming, plant some Caretaker’s Shrines to help your ADC survive in 1v2 stituation.

In emergency scenarios, deciding where to throw his Tempered Fate is a difference between winning and losing.

Bad ban/pick phase

In competitive, people claim they can surely 60-80% predict the result of that match base on its ban/pick phase. Because it reveals tactics and champion lanning protential.

On the other hand, in ranked people tend to ban the champion they…hate or some don’t ban because they confident in their skill. Therefore in match, strong champion like Ornn can’t perform effectively due to some champions using CC on him while casting his Call of the Forge God or poke champion like Varus doesn’t have a proper support lead to being killed before any attempt to attack.

The inequality in skill gap and champion mastery between players

This must be the easiest reason to point out, champions before be brought to competitive matchs have been practiced hundred even thousand of hours. With that much time of practising, the player who pick that champion and also their team have enough knowledge to understand that champion power spike, its strong and weak period of the match, how long its skill cooldown, what to do in combat and which items to buy.

On the contrary, in ranked players would bring the champion which only be used in 1 or 2 normal match before. Some case, even have just brought that champion and pick it to test…in ranked. Especially Yasuo or Riven player in servers around the world.