Supercomputer predicts DWG will win against SN on 2020 World Championship

The most special thing is that supercomputer SenpAI has predicted all the matches from semi-final till now correctly.

On WC that happens on 31/10, DAMWON Gaming is having a match with Suning Gaming. However, DAMWON Gaming is the team that has higher rate to be the Champion due to the prediction of AI company SenpAI, located in Massachusetts, USA. Moreover, this company has a supercompany that correctly predicts recent 5 matches of all teams.


All the standards to evaluate contains many sides. And then DAMWON Gaming is predicted to have 52.7% to be the Champion – quite high rate.

DWG will win against SN

The most noticeable thing is that SenpAI has predicted all the results of matches from semi-final of WC 2020 exactly. This information may cause Suning Gaming’s fans to be worry.

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