Support Camille is dominating the bot lane in LoL Patch 14.3

If you’ve been scouring the roster for an unconventional support champion to spice up your League of Legends matches, consider Camille.

This once-top-lane mainstay has seamlessly transitioned into a formidable support option, carving out a niche for herself in the bottom lane meta. Patch 14.3 has been particularly kind to her, as evidenced by her impressive 52% win rate across over 25k games in Platinum and higher tiers, according to U.GG, a popular League statistics site.

Image via U.GG

Remarkably, her success as a support even outshines her performance in the top lane by a notable 2% margin since the latest update.

Initially designed as a top lane skirmisher, Camille brings a unique skill set to the support role, leveraging her abilities to isolate and dispatch enemies with efficiency. Despite her damage-oriented build, she exhibits surprising prowess in locking down and dismantling squishy opponents in the bottom lane.

Image via Riot Games

Take, for instance, her Precision Protocol ability, which dishes out significant early-game damage. A well-executed sequence of empowered auto-attacks can effortlessly slice through the health bar of opposing bottom laners, often leaving them reeling at half health within moments. Moreover, Camille boasts a versatile toolkit for engaging and controlling teamfights, including her Hookshot stun, Tactical Sweep’s impactful area-of-effect slow, and the potent CC provided by Hextech Ultimatum.

Image via Riot Games

Choosing Camille as your support is a strategic decision, particularly against compositions featuring squishy champions. In such scenarios, her ability to eliminate threats alongside your ADC, especially during pivotal level two teamfights, can turn the tide of the game in your favor.

However, it’s crucial to exercise caution against tanky support matchups, where Camille’s early damage potential may be mitigated by the resilience of her adversaries.

Looking ahead to Patch 14.4, there are no indications of imminent changes to Camille’s kit. Should her dominance persist into the next update cycle, she could very well solidify her status as a go-to choice for aggressive support players with a thirst for combat in early laning phase.