Surprisingly Revelation from Riot Games – Toxic and Cursing Are the Least Ruining Action to the Game Experience

It seems that the verbal provocations or chat lines in League of Legends do not inhibit players with the wrong handling phase during game.

Over the past 1 month, after Voyboy spoke on his stream about ruining in-game, Riot Games has made more moves to handle these negative behaviors. Recently, the processing speed of the report system from players has been improved, resulting in after about a month, they have extremely surprising with the statistics about why players are inhibited most when playing League of Legends.

As a certain Youtube channel: “After studying, stressful working is a time for more intense combat”

Toxic and Cursing Are the Least Ruining Action to the Game Experience

For many people, “scratching the keyboard” during the match is something that makes people extremely uncomfortable and leads to endless arguments. However, in fact, from Riot Games’ data, the reasons for communication such as chat, ping, early surrender are just only a very small part of the reasons. It doesn’t even make people uncomfortable by choosing “bad” champions since the game hasn’t started yet.

According to Riot’s reasons for ruining games, ping is the least inhibitory action

Based on the above statistics, we can see that the group of behaviors related to communication (ping, surrender, cursing,…) has very little impact on players; however, the frequency of it occurs extremely high and regularly. Meanwhile, the group of behaviors related to champion selection, the frequency of occurrence is less but makes the player more uncomfortable. For example, picking Yasuo Support or choose the wrong runes happens infrequently but makes people inhibit right befor it has started.

Well, the case of picking Yasuo Support might happens quite often in some severs.

Lastly, the group of behaviors related to in-game processing is the most annoying, especially competitive farming with teammates or not wanting to go along with team has a much higher impact than communication behavior. Besides, three actions that make people “furious” are feeding “uncontrollable”, AFK and harm your teammates (for example, when a teammate runs out of combat but you “yellow” them with Bard’s Ultimate).

Or take a teammate into death with Tahm Kench

The reason for all of this action is the essence of LoL when it does not need good communication between players to be able to play well. Riot even gives you the tools to mute your teammates and you can still play the game as usual. Meanwhile, the actions in-game are directly affecting the outcome and as common sense, no one wants to lose, so the player’s impact is much stronger.

Nobody wants to lose when playing League of Legends

Anyway, Riot is also taking measures to gradually improve this issues in League of Legends, specifically in patch 10.14 they will add a new feature of denunciation right from the ban/pick stage to minimize the negative attitude.

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