Syndra mains can finally rejoice after 1007 days without a new skin

After nearly 3 years, the heavyweight dodgeball champion in League of Legends, Syndra, finally received some love from Riot Games, who is apparently fed up with players complaining about the ridiculously high amount of Lux and Ezreal skins. Along with Taliyah, Orianna, Heimerdinger and Jarvan IV, Syndra breaks into the pool party clad in a relatively fashionable swimming outfits, throwing swimming pool balls and splashing water with her abilities. The top notch feature though is the recall animation. Syndra plays volleyball with a crab innocuously until the crab hits the ball right back at her chest in a rather suggestive fashion, prompting the Dark Sovereign to form a rather giant sphere and smash the crab with it.

Pool Party 2020 PBE Preview (Credit: SkinSpotlights)

Syndra’s last skin released was Star Guardian Syndra back in September 6th, 2017, teaming up with Miss Fortune, Soraka, Ahri and a rather strange addition in a magical girl trope inspired skin line, Ezreal. The cosmetic for the balls tossing mistress was very well received by her mains and League fans alike, spawning numerous fan arts by both professional and amateur artists.

For 1007 days after the Star Guardian 2017 patch, Syndra mains, mostly on r/Syndra Mains and its Discord server had been raging about how she was unreasonably treated despite her apparent popularity and pickrate, fitting all criteria of a champion who should be receiving frequent skins release.

Star Guardian Syndra was released 1007 days ago

Riot also previously stated that fans of their champions can expect that they will receive new content from now on, the waiting time will be count by months not years, so it’s reasonable to hope that Syndra will receive more new skins from now on. Her aesthetics and popularity are sufficient reasons for Riot to invest more talents and resources into developing new content for the dark mage.
Thumbnail credits: Skin Spotlights.