T1 easily defeated KDF to secure a spot at LCK Spring 2022 Final

After defeating KDF, T1 is officially the first team to play in the 2022 Spring LCK Finals

T1 qualified for the League of Legends Championship Korea (LCK) split finals today after easily defeating Kwangdong Freecs with the score 3-0 to extend their winning run. In the finals on April 2, they will face either DWG KIA or Gen.G. Given the team’s flawless regular season record and success in the playoffs, the LCK 2022 playoffs are building up to be a rollercoaster for their fans.

LCK Spring 2022 Semifinal T1 vs KDF

T1’s game is nearly totally one-way throughout the whole BO 5 game. They got the first blood on Viktor in the mid lane to take the lead early. The mid-game was a little uninteresting because both teams concentrated on farming rather than combat.

T1 proceeded to acquire objectives and pushed the KDF to engage in teamfights with them.  They continued to obtain two Rift Heralds and a dragon, as well as the Baron buff after winning a teamfight,, which allows them to engage in another fight. They picked the next dragon and eliminated KDF players. With the Baron advantage, they easily pushed into the mid lane and finished game one.

Beginning game two, Oner grabbed his first-ever Nocturne pick in the LCK. KDF got the game started quickly with a gank in the bot lane. The dive, however, was swiftly turned around by Keria, who received two kills in return for one kill from Gumayusi.

T1 continued to secure objectives and locate picks on the opponent, pushing KDF farther away from the game. T1 had most of the advantages and they had no issue converting any teamfight in their favor. The match appeared to be in favor of T1 as they took the last teamfight in their base and easily pulled down the Nexus, raising the score to 2-0.

In Game three, KDF really made a positive change in terms of the game. In the first Baron fight, despite the disadvantages of players, T1 still showed a difference in qualifications with the situation of fighting 3v5. Having the Baron buff, Faker and his teammates slowly destroyed KDF and gently snatched a 3-0 victory in the first semifinal of the LCK Spring 2022.

The next Semifinal match will take place on the next day, with Gen.G and DWG KIA facing each other for a spot in the finals.